Poker Babes- Female Poker Pro Poker Players

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Thursday, March 31, 2005

A little about me.....

I wanted to start off my blog by telling you guys and gals a little about me. My name is Michelle and I am currently living in Cali. I have condo in both LA and in San Diego, and I love both places and wish I could be in two places at the same time :) I also have a condo in NY, but unfortunately I have not spent much time there recently. I plan on changing that soon as I plan on going to NY at least once a month. If any of you know of a good poker game in the NY area please let me know as I have never had the chance to play when I have been in NY. I also travel to other places quite frequently including Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, and Hawaii.

I am single right now, and I have never been married and I do not have any young 'uns either. And no, I don't want any at the moment either (though it is fun to practice ;) ) . I will get to the poker part of me shortly, just gettin the other stuff out of the way first. I am 21 years old at the moment, though I do have birthday comin up very soon. No need for an in depth physical description, as you can see my picture in my profile if you want. I have no intention of gettin married anytime soon, as there are just too many fish in the sea for me to choose just one right now :) Honestly though I have not been on many dates recently as I have been playing so much poker! My ideal date would be hard to describe as I like to do so many things. A good date could be a night on the couch snuggling watching a movie, a night at the club, or even a get together with friends for some erotic games (however do not expect that on the first date- ok maybe the 2nd lol). I have been known to do some very, lets just say flirty things while playing poker . Look for poker info about me in my next post! That's enough personal stuff for now, I will post some more later.


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